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CC sitting in the forest in autumn

"Your power of spirit in goddess embodiment touches my soul. The radiant, creative luminosity you generously share though channeling, healing, invocations, song, art and ritual: Priestess Extraordinaire.


~Jen Pettit

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I paint and sing to restore the innate goodness and truth of humankind.


My work is about the connection to that which is mysterious, good and holy about us.


When I sing, I open a channel to divine, angelic love so that I can remember my own beauty, and hopefully, I can transmit this to others so they too can remember. 


I truly believe we are all part of the same breath of spirit, that life on Earth is a miracle, and creativity is who we are.

CC Treadway is a New York based soprano, professional choral singer, sound healer and singer songwriter. As a crossover artist, she performs across traditions in the sacred music genre including Irish, Kirtan, Oratorio, community singing and original music.  Her career as an educator and healer in the fields of spirituality and the arts spans over 25 years. She is a multidisciplinary artist, including video editing, painting, illustrating and writing.


CC sings with the All Souls and Música Viva choirs in NYC, and is a soloist in the creative collective, “Crescent” based in the Hudson Valley where her original music is featured. Her solo shows weave together original, classical, folk, Irish, storytelling and the sacred through passionate emotions - creating a rich, musical landscape from which to open the heart. 


She tours with kirtan artist Radharani, and Joseph Eid and was a member for three years with the Thom Sessa Inspirational Gospel Choir in Miami, Fl. She studied at the Juilliard School in New York City for classical voice.


As a visual artist, CC is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design and has been creating mystical animal paintings, with shows throughout the Hudson Valley. She is known for conveying mysterious, healing and soulful expressions in the eyes  of the animals of the forest, and the ones in our dreams. She was accepted into the prestigious Chateau d'Orquevaux residency in Dijon, France for summer of 2024. She worked for 15 years as a professional video editor for companies such as Discovery Channel, MTV, HBO, as well as specialized in music videos for Latin artists such as Juanes and Thalia.


Along with her creative expressions, CC was a born intuitive and healer, and has worked as an energy healer, teacher of esoteric and creative studies as well as transformational coach for 20 years. She trained at the renowned Barbara Brennan School of Healing, completing the 4 -year hands on energy healing training, as well as the 2-year, advanced transpersonal psychology certification, among many other trainings. She has run her own private program for 20 years training healers, coaches and creative mystics. Her speciality has been working with women to heal from sexual & relational trauma to become the creative visionaries and healers they were born to be. 


Her articles on the topics of healing, transformation and personal growth, were published monthly for six years on her teacher Drunvalo Melchizedeks online magazine, The Spirit of Maat.


Ultimately, CC believes that the healing transmitted through music and the arts has the ability to make profound, positive impacts on society for generations to come. 


Art and music have the unmistakable power to connect with the human soul on the deepest level.


C C T R E A D W A Y 
Multidisciplinary Artist, Earth Activist and Educator
 E X H I B I T S 2024 Group show, Diderot Gallery, Dijon France Permanent collection on display, Hudson Valley Interarts, Patterson, NY Group show, Ofrenda Fest Gallery, Queens, NY 2023Woodland Sonata, Many Moons -Collaborative show and performance, The Gallery At Pallet Woodstock, Woodstock, NY Work on display at Every Day Magic, Woodstock, NY 2019What’s Good About You - Solo Show art/poetry/music, Bright Hill Press Gallery, Treadwell, NY.
 R E S I D E N C I E S 2025 Private patron, Billings NY. Songwriting residency. 2024 Chateau D’Orquevaux Artist Residency, Dijon France. Crescent Artist Residency, Gardiner, NY. Songwriting. P E R F O R M A N C E H I G H L I G H T S 2024-25All Souls NYC/Musica Viva NYC - Soprano, Manhattan, NY Crescent - Full length solo show (original/classical/Irish) Gardiner NY.
2022 Luminous- Soloist/songwriter for ritual musical theater, Widow Jane Mine Cave, Rosendale, NY 2017-25Radharani(Kirtan)- lead harmony vocalist, performing at major yoga festivals, ashrams, conferences etc.
2015-2017 Thom Sessa Invitational Gospel Choir, Soprano, Unity Churches, Miami FL
2014 iLuminarias - A one woman show including Storytelling, original music, sacred music and meditations/online listening experience. Golden Drum, Brooklyn, NY. 2011-13Unitribe Collective - Multiple sacred music performances throughout NYC
2004-6 Co-Host of Show and Tell, collaborative open mic in NYC/East Village
 W R I T I N G 
2016 Contributing writer for The Huffington Post and Be Light Living
2012Healing the Broken Heart, book, co-authored with Luba Evans
2006-13 Staff writer for online magazine, The Spirit of Maat 
 T E A CH I N G H I G H L I G H T S -For 20 Years I ran a private energy healing practice and educational program called LightSchool Arts. 2024Soul Tales - 6 month journey for student to created an illustrated book, with stories 2022The Great Song - 6 months course for singer songwriters to unlock their voices, work through traumas and write music. Co-facilitated with Joseph Eid and Bisan Toron 2020Reclaiming the Root of the Irish, Ancestral Soul - 6 week program on Irish mythology and arts, online course co-taught with Mara O’Grady 2017-22 Womb Healing Training - for healers to support women healing from sexual abuse, fertility issues, creative blocks, trauma. Turn Your Broken Heart Into Art - 3 month art therapy program working with people who have suffered great loss, who then rebuild their sense of self esteem and joy with creativity. 2015-18 The Holy Chalice - Weekend workshop in nature for women to release emotional/sexual trauma, reclaim their pleasure and creativity. Co-taught with Cynthia Olivera from Wisdom of the Earth. Sedona, AZ, Great Barrington, MA
2016 The Creative Core- finding and healing your most essential voice and expressions through connection with nature, trauma work. Wknd workshops Durango, CO, Sedona, AZ 2009-2024 Yearly Creative Mystery School - 9 month programs to unlock women’s profound creativity with their spiritual development through reconnecting with natural cycles of the earth
2005 - 6Sacred Circle for the Emerging Artist - 6 month program for multidisciplinary artists to create a show together in NYC. G U E S T T E A C H I N G 2022Connecting to your Higher Wisdom - 4A’s/American Association of Advertising Agency - Talent engagement and Inclusion, NYC 2021 Creativity through Wheel of the Year - Barbara Brennan School of Healing, online Womb Healing, Feminine Healing Conference, Luba Evans Coaching, online
 E A R T H / I N D I G E N O U S A C T I V I S M (Highlights)
 2018-24Musical fundraisers for Railtrail Cafe Rosendale, free music venue and earth/indigenous activist center. 2020Collective Legacy - Council meetings and cross-cultural exchanges between Westerners and indigenous elders. New Mexico. 2016 Created online Fundraiser for Standing Rock, NO DAPL 2009Ceremonial, earth activism with indigenous of Easter Island And Tahiti. 2008Patron/companion for Guatemalan Mayan Elders pilgrimage to decipher recently discovered Mayan Calendar texts. Ceremonial Earth activism with Mayan Elders. 2009Return of the Ancestors Gathering, Sedona, AZ. Volunteer healer for indigenous elders from multiple tribes of the Americas. C O M M E R C I A L A R T S
 2005-2012 Regular freelance video editor for Prime Films, NYC and other post production houses in NYC 2010 Film Editor of Independent film, Footsteps in Africa - A Journey through the desert with the Tuareg and their music 2003-2008 Regular freelance video editor for Viacom networks, on air promotions, shows, sales tapes 2002-2003 Video Editor at Discovery Channel Latin America- on air promotions (ProMax BDA Award) 2000-2002 Freelance video editor for Latin American music videos, HBO Ole, and various Latin American networks E D U C A T I O N
 2022-24 The Juilliard School, Extension Program, Vocal Studies, NYC 2016-18 ASBIW, Advanced Studies Program in Transpersonal Psychology,  BBSH 2002-2006Certification of Energy Healing from Barbara Brennan School of Healing 1997-99 Alvin Ailey School of Dance Certificate Program/Broadway Dance Center NYC 1992-97 BFA Rhode Island School of Design,Film/Video/Animation, concentration painting Significant Training
 2024-5 - Private Vocal Study with Kurt Allakulpi, Juilliard Staff, NYC 2008-2018 - All levels of training with Wisdom of the Earth Essential Oils 2014-15 - Mastery University, Tony Robbins 2011 - Vocal development with Bisan Toron (private lessons)
2007-8 - Theta Healing, 1, 2, Intuitive Anatomy, Manifestation
2006-08 - Living in the Heart, Sacred Travel with Drunvalo Melchizedek, doing ceremony with Indigenous Cultures around the world
2005 - Yoga Teacher Training, Shoshoni Ashram, Boulder, CO 2002-2020 - Private mentorship with healers/indigenous teachers 2004 - Private, classical voice lessons with Gary Ledet, NYC
1997 - Kripalu Seva Program (in house Graphic Designer), Energy Balancing, Reiki
1995 - Landmark Education
1992- University of the Arts Classical Voice Summer Program 1992 - Internship at Greenburg Nature Center, creating education art murals for the walls and interfacing with children with the animals/reptiles. 1991 - Skidmore College, NYSSSA summer Dance program
1992-95 - Mentorship training with Susanne Whittle, LSW, Healer and owner of Traprock Suite, Scarsdale, NY

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