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LightSchool Arts

Creative Mystery School

2019/20 (Begins Sept 30th)

with CC Treadway

and Lizzie Rose

The LightSchool Arts Creative Mystery School is a powerful 9 month transformational journey to anchor your light onto the planet, spiritually nourish your mission,  and take your gifts to the next level. Led by Spirit, we will move through a multidimensional medicine wheel of growth and evolution, bridging all you have been with who you are becoming, while creating a unique and special offering: your book. The classes are remote, and the program includes two in-person retreats and can include one-on-one sessions as well. LightSchool has been called “completely transformational, utterly magical, and always more fruitful than you could imagine.”

From the Guides:


"At this time your work is needed. Your souls and higher selves are ready to be united with a larger entourage of beings who make up your present self, mission, purpose and love. You are meant to be united with them in all that you do. The totality of your existence wants to expand and move forth into the world with joy, harmony and abundance.


As keepers of the flame and weavers of time, your efforts are needed now more than ever. The field of harmony must be kept in tact while so many systems are falling down, while so many new leaders are emerging, smashing through the illusions that have held humanity in an agreement of enslavement for eons. 


Now is the time for the new-paradigm priestesses to come together and take their place in the high council of creation. Taking all of themselves, healing all of their lifetimes, and allowing the feminine to come into her full power. Power that is connected to the galactic field, supporting those who are bravely stepping out.


This class is a combination of this powerful light work, with your human work. As you rise, all of humanity rises."

How does your gift want to be woven in these powerful times?


This program is focused on writing. Each person who is coming in is feeling the call to create a book. This book can be personal, fictional, art based, really whatever the soul is singing.


You will be led through a process to unlock the full potential of your story, of your creative genius. While we weave together timelines for humanity in a multidimensional medicine wheel, you will also be weaving your story to share. 


Your offering is intricate, supported, and part of the new grid for human consciousness. Any place you are half in, has the opportunity to jump fully in, so it can be woven into your pattern and into the new grids.


By unlocking your full creative potential, your primary core energy is released into the world. This allows you to be fully anchored in the ‘5th dimensional grids.’ the place where manifestation, joy, abundance and unity consciousness lives.


Weaving is the mastery level of your contribution in this life. This means taking your gifts, your abundance, your generosity, your talents and your love to the next level and into the world.





CC and Lizzie bring more than 30 years combined experience with healing work, coaching, creativity and teaching. We are absolutely dedicated to connecting to your highest path and supporting it fully. We are looking for women who are dedicated to and contributing to humanity’s upliftment, and who are ready and willing for the commitment of a 9 month creative and transformational program.


With high performance coaching, support and strategy combined with the powerful energy from the light work we do, you will be carried forth to your next level, while having a lot of fun. 


On a personal level, this is about building the bridge that connects all you have been to the magnificent, expanded being you are becoming; offering that essence to the world through your actions, your words, your work, and your book.



  • 2 retreats in Upstate NY area

  • Weekly calls (recorded)

  • Private online community & support

  • Optional private sessions

  • Different pricing options available


To apply/ask questions, please email CC  or Lizzie to set up a time to talk.

This year we are focusing on three main areas:






A mystery school comes together when a collection of higher dimensional beings have a sacred project they want to accomplish on Earth. They choose the people who want to come together for this mission. The mission always involves deep personal growth, light work for the planet, and the harmonization of a group of people for a common cause. They are magical for this reason. As we give to the work, we receive tenfold. Through channeling and transmissions, we create an amplified field of love, healing, creativity and abundance within which we all can thrive.


While there is a curriculum, the main content of the work is channeled in the moment based on who is there,  the soul agreements of the group and the natural rhythms of life in accordance with the Wheel of the Year.


“The powerful spiritual and creative work in LightSchool dug into my blocks, excuses, and holding patterns right away. With each channeling came more clarity. With each artistic assignment I completed, I felt myself sinking deeper into the center of my creative heart. Farewell writers block.  I can just sit down and write, and it comes to me, no problem now."

Trina Lacey Flores

"LightSchool was the unlearning of everything I thought I needed to do to be good, which is where the creative flow is. It’s being in total allow and surrender. It gave me a lot of confidence and really started this unwinding of the deep wound of self hatred and 'not good enough' feeling...all of this is outside of who I think I am and it doesn’t matter at all. Whatever I think I’m supposed to be is such bullshit and I can just be, and it’s amazing, and I cant thank you enough. It was tremendous.” 

Laurie Hefner

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CC is a clear channel, energy psychologist, healer, sacred singer and visionary artist. Her gift is creatively and spiritually activating people into their genius zone. LightSchool for the Sacred Arts was created as a way to weave together divine teachings, spiritual growth and creativity. She has been doing this work for almost 20 years, and this is her fifth 9-month incarnation of LightSchool. Her primary training is from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, where she has put in 6 years of time (so far). She also has spent a considerable time with indigenous cultures around the world, always integrating ancient earth wisdom into the present day evolutionary path.  CC has a BFA in film from the Rhode Island School of Design, and worked as a video/film editor for many years. She credits RISD as her foundational creative training for life. CC lives in the forest of Woodstock NY, her haven for nature, spirituality and the arts. She is thrilled to welcome Lizzie Rose on the LightSchool team to lead the book writing process. Learn more at:




Lizzie is a Children’s Book Author, an Energy Healer and Flower Essence Practitioner, and a teacher and guide for your personal journey. Lizzie’s superpower is translating the amorphous into usable form, creating manageable ways for you to transform your life, step by step. As a Reiki Master-Teacher, she has trained close to 100 Reiki Practitioners and takes great pride in her “Reiki Plus” course that teaches the ins and outs of navigating healing work while certifying students in the simple and beautiful modality of Reiki. Some of Lizzie’s most joyous achievements have been bringing her children’s book to life, directing plays at Drew University where she earned a BA in Theatre Arts, ushering Reiki students forward on their paths, seeing her clients find joy and magic is their lives, and finally moving to the cottage in the woods she had always dreamed of. A two-time graduate of LightSchool, Lizzie is delighted to be joining CC in guiding this magical journey of growth, empowerment, creation, and evolution. Learn more at: 

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